On this page you will find listings for kittens that are available for purchase.
There is one boy left from the litter that was born on the 26th September, 2020.
His fee to adopt is $1000. He has been vaccinated, microchipped and will be desexed shortly.
The new litter was born on the 20th January, 2021. There are two white boys and two white girls available from that litter.
There is also a little black and white boy too.
Their fee to adopt is $1200 each once they have been microchipped, vaccinated and desexed.
They will ready to go to their new homes when they reach the correct weight for desexing. They must be 1 – 1.5 kilos heavy in order to desex them, so it will depend on their weight as to when they can be released. It is usually at around 8 weeks but can be as long as 16 weeks if they are a small cat.